Ice and fire

When we heard about the contract for ICE TREKKER, my husband suggested coming up with a new cocktail to mark the occasion. It seemed appropriate, and having just purchased a bottle of blue curaçao ostensibly for Christmas, I based it on that. Courtesy of my cocktail bible, I adapted the recipe for Galactica, and came up with Ice Trekker, the Cocktail.

So, here goes. Use equal measures vodka (Norwegian, if you can get it), blue curaçao, dry vermouth and fresh lime juice, with a dash of crème de cassis. Shake over ice. Purists could dip the rim of the cocktail glass into some spare lime juice and encrust with sugar for a frosted effect.

The cassis gives the blue a deep, Arctic quality. It really does. And wow, how can something so cold be so volcanic! Also, it made my tongue blue, which was fun.

My next mission is conjure up a beverage to mark the signing of DARK INTERLUDE. I was thinking of Tia Maria or kahlua, but I’ve made some sloe gin for Christmas, and feel an experiment coming on. As the story’s set in Scotland, there should be whisky, too. Hm.
